Professional Cuddling Terms

This glossary is here to explain what various terms associated with professional cuddling mean.

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Term Definition

Able to be withdrawn, canceled, or ended

In the context of professional cuddling, consent is revocable, meaning that either person involved can choose to modify or end a cuddling interaction at any time.


respectful personal hygiene
Shower within 12 hours prior to a session, brush your teeth, and use mouthwash just before a session
professional cuddling

A service using consent based concepts to create a customized platonic experience in exchange for compensation

professional cuddler

An individual who provides Professional Cuddling


Interaction that is free from intentionally arousing or engaging in sexual activity for all parties; platonic specifically excludes (but is not limited to excluding) nudity, genital stimulation, exchange of bodily fluids including saliva, and touch of hands on any area commonly covered by undergarments


An outsession is a cuddle session done at a client's home or another appropriate client-provided location.

A method of therapeutic approach

An insession is a cuddle session done at an office or other fixed location provided by a professional cuddler.


Consent is a concept related to bodily autonomy. Consent is informed, specific permission given to another person to perform an action that will affect the first person in some way. In the context of physical interactions during professional cuddling, consent must be obtained before one person can touch another person.

Consent as I practice it is actively given and never presumed without discussion beforehand. See my article Consent and Informed Touch Agreements for more information.


A person receiving a service, such as professional cuddling

bodily autonomy

Bodily autonomy is the concept that a person should be able to control what happens to their own body. It is related to the concept of consent.